
Opel Blitz => Willkommen => Thema gestartet von: Ignacio Salas am 29. November 2020, 22:02:28

Titel: My Opel Blitz from Chile
Beitrag von: Ignacio Salas am 29. November 2020, 22:02:28
Hi Opel lovers, My Name is Ignacio, I write you from Chile.

I bought this Opel Blitz 1.75t 1956 and I start to restore it. I really need help to find Catalog or any Book with information of 1.75t or 1.5. Here in my country is impossible find a book. If anybody has a PDF book or digital copy, please help me.

:) :)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKhsSAEtahY&list=PLkmS911Li5q1HVM6mYfNIOUKZi0jMpI40&index=1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKhsSAEtahY&list=PLkmS911Li5q1HVM6mYfNIOUKZi0jMpI40&index=1)
Titel: Re: My Opel Blitz from Chile
Beitrag von: Altopelandi am 29. November 2020, 23:03:30
Titel: Re: My Opel Blitz from Chile
Beitrag von: RainerS am 30. November 2020, 17:20:31
my father is also from chile.
  my aunt lives in concepcion.  where are you from? 

Greetings Rainer
Titel: Re: My Opel Blitz from Chile
Beitrag von: Ignacio Salas am 01. Dezember 2020, 03:20:18
Zitat von: RainerS am 30. November 2020, 17:20:31
my father is also from chile.
  my aunt lives in concepcion.  where are you from? 

Greetings Rainer

I live in Talca city,  300 km to the north from  Concepción
Titel: Re: My Opel Blitz from Chile
Beitrag von: OpelLF8 am 07. Dezember 2020, 20:42:24
Opel Blitz Catalog english
Titel: Re: My Opel Blitz from Chile
Beitrag von: RainerS am 26. Januar 2021, 16:37:44
Hahaha mein Onkel hat ihn besucht.
Titel: Re: My Opel Blitz from Chile
Beitrag von: RainerS am 26. Januar 2021, 16:39:58
Bin mir nur nicht ganz sicher ob es der gleiche ist.

Gruß Rainer